Issue 26
Friday, December 23, 2005
Again, a week later than usual. That's because I've been "busy" doing nothing much over the holidays, as well as doing the odd bit of Christmas shopping. So, yeah, here's the most recent Europan update, made by myself.
In to the 230's this last week, which is really good. Hopefully we may even get back to our old 250-odd level, which is what I've been aiming for, whether realistically or not.
Internal Affairs
Lull continuing, I'm afraid. It's that Christmas holiday spirit!
Foreign Affairs
Nothing much, apart from appointing myself ambassador to North Pacific. I've also given myself a large wage increase, a better pension and a company car. :lol:
The Deltannian Civil War is still continuing, although it now looks like Ide Jima and Tagmatium won't come to blows.
Ide Jima has also sold it's central peninsular colony to Xheng.
My new RP rule thing hasn't really got any more attention, but there we go. Nice and quiet.
Well, that's the update done. See you all sometime in the next week, and I do hope you have a nice holiday and Santa gets you all that you wanted.
© Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium
Issue 25
Friday, December 16, 2005
Well, here's the update of the happenings in Europa for the last two weeks. I really should do it more often, but I've been busy these last few weeks, what with visits to Universities (Kent this time. A five-hour drive!) college work and my garden-centre work. Anyways...
We're back up to the 220's, which is always good. The holy grail, as it were, is 250-odd, like we used to be. But I'd prefer one active nation to five that will just die off.
Internal Affairs
A bit of a lull in this area in the past week or so, as we've voted in the Constitution, but it won't come into affect until early January. EuropaEmpire, our founder, has suggested that we use the Christmas holidays to make the changes to allow it to be put into affect smoothly.
Foreign Affairs
Again, quite quiet. We've had no applications for new embassies or beginings of new relations with regions.
And now for the topic that I always seem to have most to say on.
The Deltannian Civil War is still ticking over, with Akiiryu wishing to act as mediator between Tagmatium and Ide Jima over involvement in the war
Ide Jima's Long War is also carrying along. Ide has also reinstated his old monarchy in the present day. This is what the Long War was fought to get rid of, replacing the 1930's monarchist government with a Communistic republic.
Xheng has also made an organisation to promote friendly relations between the varied Europan monarchist states.
Several nations, such as Rhomanoi and Northern Voohaba, have also made news-broadcasting threads. I apologise to these two nations for not putting the hyperlinks in.
I've, as RP mod, proposed a new RP rule, to remove that ultimate in bad sportsmanship, using puppets to suppliment a main RP nation.
© Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium
Issue 24
Friday, December 02, 2005
We're stabilsing around the mid-teens of 200, so it ain't all bad. Every now and then I do a bit of a blitz of recruiting, and Adaptus has taken the East Pacific off my hands.
Internal Affairs
We're voting through the new edition of the Europan Constitution as we speak, and it will be put into action later this month, with the first elections for positions in January. This should get us back on track.
EuropaEmpire, our founder, has also asked politely for a certain nation to leave...
Foreign Affairs
We've had a bit of trouble with the Moksha region that we recently exchanged consulates with, as they drew us into an argument with another region and were using us as a threat as well as a license to cause a bit of trouble. The region they were arguing with was also using a region they were allied with in the same sort of way (if you follow me). I think it has been sorted out by Ide Jima, our diplomat to Moksha.
We are also considering The New Meritocracy's application to exchange consulates, but we're going to be more careful after this Moksha incident
Role Play
Since Wednesday 30th November, No-War Month has come to an end. No-War Month was put into practice to halt the rather plentiful wars we have been having, usually as the result of a certain nation's inane attempts at diplomacy. This nation has been asked to leave, since Wednesday night as well.
The Deltannian Civil War has taken a turn, as Ide Jima used a large missile to blow up a Tagmatine garrison in Plot 23, causing large civilian casualties. Europa appears to stand on the brink of a wider conflict.
In another of our historical Europan RP's, the Ide Jiman "Long War" (1932-1956), things are off to a slow start. I'm not sure what is actually going on, so I've asked for a clarification from Ide.
© Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium
We're stabilsing around the mid-teens of 200, so it ain't all bad. Every now and then I do a bit of a blitz of recruiting, and Adaptus has taken the East Pacific off my hands.
Internal Affairs
We're voting through the new edition of the Europan Constitution as we speak, and it will be put into action later this month, with the first elections for positions in January. This should get us back on track.
EuropaEmpire, our founder, has also asked politely for a certain nation to leave...
Foreign Affairs
We've had a bit of trouble with the Moksha region that we recently exchanged consulates with, as they drew us into an argument with another region and were using us as a threat as well as a license to cause a bit of trouble. The region they were arguing with was also using a region they were allied with in the same sort of way (if you follow me). I think it has been sorted out by Ide Jima, our diplomat to Moksha.
We are also considering The New Meritocracy's application to exchange consulates, but we're going to be more careful after this Moksha incident
Role Play
Since Wednesday 30th November, No-War Month has come to an end. No-War Month was put into practice to halt the rather plentiful wars we have been having, usually as the result of a certain nation's inane attempts at diplomacy. This nation has been asked to leave, since Wednesday night as well.
The Deltannian Civil War has taken a turn, as Ide Jima used a large missile to blow up a Tagmatine garrison in Plot 23, causing large civilian casualties. Europa appears to stand on the brink of a wider conflict.
In another of our historical Europan RP's, the Ide Jiman "Long War" (1932-1956), things are off to a slow start. I'm not sure what is actually going on, so I've asked for a clarification from Ide.
© Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium