Hello canadians and non-canadians! I though i'd do my duty and post a little update here. so what have been going on lately?

Senatorial election will soon have ended, I voted for three candidates as we all get 3 votes each. The ones of the running candidates that wins, I'm sure they'll make a great job. Long live democracy! I think we need more democracy though, but we do have good leaders that I trust wholeheartedly.

What more have happened? I am funny! No I'm not kidding, actually I am according to others! We have recently had "best of July" "elections. where you nominate your nr. 1 in the following categories:
Best Writer (IC):
Best Writer (OOC):
Best thread:
Best Joker:
Best Idea:
Best Role-Player:
Best Newsthread:
Best Newcomer:
Best Quote:
Best TEA-fighter:
Best Recruiter:
Best Diplomat:
Best Government Member:

I can proudly announce I was the best joker of July, a little surprised I was though. And I got 2 votes for one of my quotes. Linkey to: Best of july.

Some roleplays have ended som have begun! All very interesting and worthy to read! Visit our forum for more information.

We have had some newcommers and an ol' member called xheng is back playing around apparently. making stupid childish stuff. We all have our hobby's.

I guess.

(RL: And yhea school starts tomorrow. Going back to grade 1 Hope I'll have a nice time. We are 3 boys and 26 girls in my class! Have a great time wherever you live! 'real' Canada, sweden. It doesn't matter, have a great time! And if you feel like emigrating to Europa from Canada (or somewhere else) contact me and I'll help smuggle you out!)

© Europa, 2006 | Written by Suverina