At the moment, we stand at about 280-odd. We’ve been around this number for a good long while, not quite getting back into the heights of 300 we once had.
But there are only two Europans recruiting, so that’s probably to blame.
Last time I did this, we were yet to hold that election for Tamurin’s vacant seat on the Senate.
It was a good election, with a damn good selection of people going for it, all good people who would have done a good job had they got the position. However, Tamurin was re-elected to his post that he resigned from. :blink:
The candidates were: Miiros, Deltannia, Vocenae, Nan GorgWaith and Italgria. Oh, and Tamurin, of course.
We’ve now got a full senate again, and I re-applied for the Foreign Minister position, and got it again. But, we’re yet to appoint the rest of the Ministers, due to absences and the like. Our current focus of attention in EurGov is the re-establishment of TEA, The Europan Army.
Busy, busy.
We’ve begun talks with Q102 over an alliance, formalising the good relations our regions have had for several years now.
We’ve opened up a consulate for the Alliance of Capitalists, Conservatives and Economic Libertarians, as well as the Concosian Union, who are rather anti-Gatesville, who are a member of the ACCEL. Erk.
We’ve also had a request for a consulate from Liberalia.
And now for one of the more annoying things that have happened in Foreign Affairs over the past few weeks.
A region called Eastern Islands approached us, asking for an Alliance. We explained to them that we couldn’t start an alliance straight away, as we need more of a history of relations before we entered into such a thing. They, however, took it as if we were allied with them, and as they considered themselves an invader region, they attempted to involve us in an argument with another region, called New Folsom. Anyway, to cut a long story short, Eastern Islands planned to start a “war” between us and New Folsom, which sort of back fired when we refused and even got on well with New Folsom. It was an episode which did make me quite angry with them.
Quite a lot has gone on in this section over the past few weeks, including wars and a comet landing with a star gate on it, although that’s a parallel universe. If you are interested, please do check out the section yourselves, as it’d take me ages to write it all out.
© Europa, 2006 | Written by Tagmatium
Issue 44
Thursday, June 22, 2006
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