OK, first up, as usual, is an update on the number of nations within Europa as of when I’ve made this update.

Have been at a steady 270-odd for a while, and we have got an increased number of active members on our regional forum, which is always a good thing.

Internal Affairs
Quite, again. Although we have had two ejections from the region. The first was the Xheng Dynasty, due to his admittance on another region’s board that he was, in fact, deliberately trying to annoy people in Europa to stop a role-play going ahead as he was too busy. Why he couldn’t have asked for a suspension of the RP until a time he was not busy, I don’t know. The second, of a nation called Gehennalemm, who featured the letters “KKK” in his flag. He claimed ignorance of the meaning, saying that it was the initials of an independence movement in his native country of the Philippines. A quick search confirmed this. A bit of a mistake on our part.

Foreign Affairs
Nothing out of the ordinary, although I have been attempting to get enough ambassadors for our last two embassies, one in Equilism and the Proletariat Coalition.

Another new look for our boards. We now have separate sub-forums for the different alliances and organisations, and a greatly-expanded Historical section, which now includes a bit on the future of the region. Here’s the link. You can also see the many going’s on in our regional roleplay section by following that link.

See you all next time!

© Europa, 2006 | Written by Tagmatium