After a period of intense recruiting, we crested the 260 mark last night. We've dropped back to 259 today, but we can get back up there.

Internal Affairs
With people putting themselves forward as candidates for the Senate, the elections can't be that far away. Coupled with this, the Ministerial positions will be filled soon after.

And we have had the most crazy woman ever visit us. View the thread here.

Foreign Affairs
As well as GBandI approaching us for a consulate, the region of England has as well. We will hopefully be opening ones for them soon-ish.

We're also looking for ambassadors from us to all the regions who have active consutates or embassies in our region. This includes opening one in Canada.

A lot quiter this week, compared to the much more busy other areas of Europa.

Several new nations, HalKu, Ylania and Sci, have opened threads variously on trade, new alliances or joined one of the "Big Three", the Coalition, the Alliance or the League.

The Deltannian Civil War and The Long War still continue.

© Europa, 2006 | Written by Tagmatium