Well, here's the update of the happenings in Europa for the last two weeks. I really should do it more often, but I've been busy these last few weeks, what with visits to Universities (Kent this time. A five-hour drive!) college work and my garden-centre work. Anyways... Numbers We're back up to the 220's, which is always good. The holy grail, as it were, is 250-odd, like we used to be. But I'd prefer one active nation to five that will just die off. Internal Affairs A bit of a lull in this area in the past week or so, as we've voted in the Constitution, but it won't come into affect until early January. EuropaEmpire, our founder, has suggested that we use the Christmas holidays to make the changes to allow it to be put into affect smoothly. Foreign Affairs Again, quite quiet. We've had no applications for new embassies or beginings of new relations with regions. Roleplay And now for the topic that I always seem to have most to say on. The Deltannian Civil War is still ticking over, with Akiiryu wishing to act as mediator between Tagmatium and Ide Jima over involvement in the war Ide Jima's Long War is also carrying along. Ide has also reinstated his old monarchy in the present day. This is what the Long War was fought to get rid of, replacing the 1930's monarchist government with a Communistic republic. Xheng has also made an organisation to promote friendly relations between the varied Europan monarchist states. Several nations, such as Rhomanoi and Northern Voohaba, have also made news-broadcasting threads. I apologise to these two nations for not putting the hyperlinks in. I've, as RP mod, proposed a new RP rule, to remove that ultimate in bad sportsmanship, using puppets to suppliment a main RP nation. © Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium