Floating around 215-ish, so this isn't such a bad thing. A couple of the Europeans have left, although they are keen to remain on good terms with Europa. Mendesia has expressed a wish to return as the European Diplomat...

Internal Affairs
Work has begun on the new Europan Constitution. With a thousand monkies, or possibly baboons, working at a thousand type-writers, it will be the greatest constitution ever seen.

In all seriousness, we're slowly working through it. The Chosen Nations has suggested a very good trial system. Discussion has ranged about the role of the General of the Army in the government, indeed if an army is needed anymore. The number and roles of the ministries is also a bone of contention.

Foreign Affairs
We have been approached by Merooc from the region of Moksha with a request for an embassy. We'll see how this goes.

Once the constitution has been properly written, we will be able to carry out Foreign Affairs properly.

Role Play
Bhalman's Civil War has been halted for a bit, but the Deltannian event is continuing. Discussion has begun about an Ide Jiman Civil War, set in the period of 1932-1956. We have also entered No-War November, an attempt to reverse the spate of poor role-plays over late Summer and Autumn.

© Europa, 200? | Written by Tagmatium