It's time for the Europan update again!

We're back down to 251, although this should be sorted by a nice bit of recruiting. Phil IV came back, cursing when he was told that his nation had kicked the bucket. Another older member, Noitan Eugor has also come back, but swiftly left on a short break.

In the RP section, new member The Chosen Nations is kickeing up a huge fuss, with several contraversial moves; first, blaming another nation for terrorist attacks - abit of Godmodding there - second, attempting to sell off criminals as slave labour, then third claiming an island and attempting to set up a nuclear launch base. This has lead to several odd occurances - Karthenia and Akiiryu, long time IC rivals, agreeing on matters and the usually warmongering Tagmatium attempting to halt the deployment of Akiiryu's navy.

Nothing really has happened in Foreign Affairs, but in Internal Affairs, three nations have applied for senate, Deltannia, long-time member and Mongol-Swedes and new member The Chosen Nations.

Thank you, and good morning! :D

© Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium