Hello, and welcome to the Europan News Programme, as presented by Tagmatium Rules when ever he remembers it's time for the nice people at Q102 to have a rudimentary update of sorts. The trial has been concluded, with the defendant being stripped of all his formal positions in Europa. It is thought by some that this was a bad thing, but that is what the judges have decided. Europa itself is down to 240 nations, from 253, so a recruiting drive may be in order soon. In our RP section, the (historical RP) Tamurian Civil War is still winding down, whilst we are starting a second Historical RP, the Sevrunian Rebellion, whereby the nation of Sevrun gains independence from Tagmatium. In the modern day section, Aliens are still attacking. We have had several debates recently, started by Pirilao. One was into Capital Punishment. We have also had a thread started on the London Bombings. :( In the games section, all the old games continue apace, whilst we have a new game, Lost in Translation, for the well-read intelligentsia amgonst us. © Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium