ROLE-PLAY by Tamurin and Byzantium Nova


The S.S.S.S.-lead alliance, the MATA (Militaries against Terrorist Acts) has been dissolved. The S.S.S.S. remains with its allies Niederoesterreich and Tagmatium.
On the other side, an alliance led by Byzantinum Nova, Sevrun and Great Kings, the "Pact of Arms", has grown: Amnalos, Mongol-Swedes, Paranoid Schizo, Meteorola and Tamurin have joined the alliance.
How these events will effect future confrontations in Europa is still uncertain.

After the civil war in Tagmatium, a new emperor will be elected. The candidates are Phillip Commenus and Commodus James.
Commenus is a nationalist and wants to lead a more isolationist Tagmatium, while James wants to transform Tagmatium into a close ally of S.S.S.S.


The war is over. The loyalist forces of Tagmatium and their allies crushed the last rebel resistance in Scutum. After the victory, the loyalists re-installed the government system in the last rebel zones.
The leaders of Tagmatium thanked their allies, who retreated their forces. It is the hope of all involved parties, that Tagmatium will remain peaceful and that this rebellion was the last imperial uprising in Europa.

After all parties dropped their claims except S.S.S.S., the former Baltirow-Woud nation became a part of the S.S.S.S. The S.S.S.S. had to evacuate its colony, S.S.S.S. East, due to the blocade of Byzantinum Nova, Sevrun, Great Kings and Orioni.

The nation of Orioni decided to expand. It claimed two zones very far away from the main nation. Until now, no nation has objected to this claim and most nations are in favor.

After some diplomatic struggle, Niederoesterreich dropped its claim on zone 113 and is now looking for other areas to expand into. Vanarambaion has invited delegations from all interested nations to talk about future relations and alliances.

A new crisis in Europa: The Cenepa Islands are once again the source of a conflict. The S.S.S.S.-ally Tagmatium captured the island during the Baltirow-Woud conflict and claimed it after the conflict. The powerful S.S.S.S. backed them and was ordering all foreign nations off the islands.
The islands were divided after the first conflict over them. After President Pot of the S.S.S.S. made clear that he was willing to risk an open war with all other major powers, all foreign nations backed out and withdrew from the island.
The aggressive behavior of President Pot has caused growing concern about the foreign policy of the S.S.S.S.


Amnalos and Tagmatium have ratified a trade pact to improve trade and peace between them.
Amnalos has also started negotiations with Koku for a similar pact like it has with Tagmatium.
Orioni has stated that they are willing to pay 10% of the building costs for the bridge between Meteorola and Niederosterreich. This way Orioni hopes to gain a part in the trade that comes from the completion of the bridge.
In military-equipment trading Free-Ekainak has told that it is interested in buying Jaihus cheap cruise missiles. Tagmatium is also in need of new navy so Niederosterreich is interested in making a deal.


Europa contains 236 nations, which is 15 less since the previous issue.
Orioni is our current delegate, elected 87 days ago and holding 54 endorsements.

The Senate is still "under construction" but work is progressing. The draft constitution was not finished yet due to some parts that still needed to be worked out, such as justice. The current Europa Gov is working together with some of the more experienced citizens to outline everything concerning this future Senate. If all goes well, we hope to be able to make a proposal to the general public by the end of this month.

WEATHER by Meteorola

The past week we saw a warming trend over the island and central areas of Europa. So warm, in fact, that a tropical system is continuing to affect Niederostereich. Melt water, combined with some moderate rains, caused localized flooding in Phil IV and Tamurin. No fatalities, and only minor damage was reported. Offshore flow continued across northern Europa, making for a dry and warm week from Jaihu over towards Callonian Empire. A small disturbance brought only light showers to San Ba and Koku with much lighter amounts back towards Paranoid Schizos and Byzantium Nova. In the east Endless Summer continued its dry conditions allowing for clean up efforts to continue from the landslides two weeks ago.

The outlook for the coming week will move the tropcial system effecting Niederosteriech out to sea, and allow clean up efforts to start. Dry across the islands. However central and parts of southern Europa could see a strong low-pressure system move through the area. Onshore flow is expected to kick up some daytime showers. Eastern areas will be impacted late in the week by the same system moving through central and southern Europa.


In Foreign Affairs this week, Europa has been invited to join the multi-regional group known as FORT, the Fellowship of the Round Table, dedicated to representing freedom of speech and intellegent discussions in the international community. Membership discussions are still in their preliminary phases, but we hope to find out more about our friends and fellow regions through this scheme.

We have a new embassy under discussion this week: a diplomat from the USK, the United Socialist Kingdom, has sighted in Europa. The diplomat wants to increase understading and friendliness between our two regions. We welcome Revolutionary Masses to our region, and hope he has a pleasant stay here!

A European Embassy has finally been established in Lemuria. After quite a long time of faffing about and forgetfulness, our new embassy is open and ready to recieve people from all over the globe!

One of our newest friends, Q102, formally exchanged ambassadors this week, with Meteorola going to visit the Q102 in their home region, and Nevareion staying here in Europa to provide a strong and hopfully long lasting link between our two regions!


Our friens of Q102 asked to promote their newspaper. You can read it here:

© Europa, 2005 | Written by Byzantium Nova, Meteorola, Orioni, Phil IV, Tamurin