Another big loss of nations, 10 this morning. We've lost our old Regional Cartographer, Argenland. Which was sad, but we knew it was coming, as we were forced to replace him with Adaptus as Carto as the map had not been updated from several months, due to his inactivity. We hope it was due to school or Uni, rather than anything serious. But we are getting a decent number of recruiters out there, but they just aren't coming to the region.

It's more or less grinding to a halt, as Orioni is inactive, EE (EuropaEmpire, our founder0 saying that he is going to be less active, SG (Senator Gaius) going to Uni and Tamurin, another senator, busy with his last exams and job hunting.

We've set up two new Embassies, one in the Federation of Allied Nations and one in Hyrule. I suspect i'm going to have to be Diplomat to both for a while, until we get some new blood.

In the Role Play section, everything is also slowing down, but Adaptus's internal conflict is attracting attention from several sectors.

© Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium