We have appeared to have stabilised at 220-ish, with no old friends dying off, which is always a relief. We will PM older members with dead nations, in hope of inticing them back.

Again, its' a case of All Quite on the Europan Front. Although the inactive senators are returning, which will hopefully jump-start the gubbins of the EuroGov.

Slow again, so not much to report.

has picked up again. The war in Adaptus has been concluded, with the forces of the Communist Liberation Front being defeated and their leader captured. War almost started when I repeatedly pledged my support for terrorists within the Allied States of Meteorola , to which he responded by kidnapping all Tagmatines in the Allied States. This may or may not develope, as he is visiting Oz on October the First. The Chosen Nations has created another diplomatic crisis, after insulting the memory of the Sublime Principate of Akiiryu's recently dead prince. Also, Haken has created a balance to that of Vanarambaion's Alliance. We're still discussing the name to head our sheets of paper.

Enjoying a nice cuppa and listening to PennyWise's Bro Hymm.

© Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium