Numbers We have reached, and broken, the 280 mark. As it stands, at the time of me typing this, at 280 nations. Which is nice. Internal Affairs Nominations for the Ministerial positions are under way, although I'm not actually sure when the final elections/appointments take place. Some good updater I am... HalKu, a new nation who said he was an experienced RP'er was exposed as to his real identity, namely one The Chosen Nations who was booted in December. Nice try. We expect him to try again soon, though. Our re-vamping discussion is still going apace. Please check the link to see what is going on, and if you can help. Foreign Affairs Still sorting out who goes where, and removing embassies that are inactive. Both The North Pacific and Greece have been removed. Vanarambaion has volunteered to be the diplomat to GB&I, and other positions have been filled, but there are still some more to go. Roleplay The Deltannian Civil War, Ide Jima's Historical 1932-1956 Long War thread and the Nimarci WMD Conference are still going strong. The HalKu/Tagmatium Nuclear Power thread has more-or-less stopped, due to HalKu being exposed as to who he really is. Nevareion Nova, the Q102 colony in Europa, is having ministerial elections, which, after a slow start, is now witnessing quite a lot of international interest. See it here. We've also had a bit of a re-vamp in the RP section. See it here as well! © Europa, 2006 | Written by Tagmatium