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Europa is one of the oldest regions in NationStates, established in January 2004. As a region, Europa offers hospitality to any form of government, whether kingdoms, democracies, empires, or disputed territories. Get to know what goes on in this vibrant region, and feel free to post a comment or two.

Issue 21

Up again. This is due to the immagration of a handful of nations from Europe (spelt with an E) due to a bit of a fall out with other members in that region. This has led to numerous accusations of this and that, which have now hopefully been sorted out.

Internal Affairs
Getting back on track. There has been discussions of re-starting the The Europan Army (TEA), which will once again be the scourge of invaders everywhere.

Foreign Affairs
Again, getting back on track. I'm not sure if we have ambassadors to all of the we have embassies/consulates to, but there we go.

We're attempting to salvage this section, after the numerous cock-ups we have had on this front recently. The new European immagrants have settled in well and are adding to regional life. Bhalman (New Caldari) is having a civil war, as is Deltannia. There is a Tagmatine presence in both of these. Xheng, one of the Europeans, has set up an alliance to counter both the League of the Treaty and the Alliance. There has also been discussions on the future of Europan RP and about the numerous, pointless war topics dotted about.

© Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium

Issue 20

Yet anther update, bit late because of exam-time. Yay!

Yet another fall, now to 211. I swear it is only me and Pirilao doing recruitment. I need to bully some others into doing it in the other 'The Pacifics'...

Internal Affairs
All quiet again.

Foreign Affairs

Picking up. Indeed, it is probably the most active part of our region. We've had a few deletions, and a return for Byzantium Nova. There has been several islands created by our Cartographer Adaptus in an effort to make things more lively. Nev ain't been about, so the Nev Nova thread's run aground. The Akiiryan Prince has been crowned, in a ceremony that a lot of the crowned (and non-crowned) heads are turning up to.

That's probably not it, but I'm having a brain-lapse because of too much work. I'll add stuff one when it recovers.

© Europa 2005 | Written by Tagmatium

Issue 19

We've had another fall in numbers, now going down to 220. I haven't been around much this week, so I am unsure for the reason. But we need to pick up recruiting again.

Still too quiet, but we have solved the case of the missing delegate, with Orioni assuring us that she is still about and in charge of the region. So there is no reason for us to worry, although it has brought home the idea that we really do need to get organised.

Quiet, although Tamurin, one of our senators, was contacted about starting relations with a small region called United States of Great Nations, which hopefully will flourish.

This has picked up again, although it has been a quiet week. Our Cartographer, Adaptus, has something in the pipe-line, Akiiryu's having a coronation after the death of his previous Prince and we are going to open up the old RP about the insults from the TCN. Nevareion Nova has been set up in Europa to provide a refuge for the fugitives from the Civil War in Q102, whilst Haken's alliance are still talking about administration.

© Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium