We have appeared to have stabilised at 220-ish, with no old friends dying off, which is always a relief. We will PM older members with dead nations, in hope of inticing them back.
Again, its' a case of All Quite on the Europan Front. Although the inactive senators are returning, which will hopefully jump-start the gubbins of the EuroGov.
Slow again, so not much to report.
has picked up again. The war in Adaptus has been concluded, with the forces of the Communist Liberation Front being defeated and their leader captured. War almost started when I repeatedly pledged my support for terrorists within the Allied States of Meteorola , to which he responded by kidnapping all Tagmatines in the Allied States. This may or may not develope, as he is visiting Oz on October the First. The Chosen Nations has created another diplomatic crisis, after insulting the memory of the Sublime Principate of Akiiryu's recently dead prince. Also, Haken has created a balance to that of Vanarambaion's Alliance. We're still discussing the name to head our sheets of paper.
Enjoying a nice cuppa and listening to PennyWise's Bro Hymm.
© Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium
Issue 18
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Issue 17
Monday, September 19, 2005
Another big loss of nations, 10 this morning. We've lost our old Regional Cartographer, Argenland. Which was sad, but we knew it was coming, as we were forced to replace him with Adaptus as Carto as the map had not been updated from several months, due to his inactivity. We hope it was due to school or Uni, rather than anything serious. But we are getting a decent number of recruiters out there, but they just aren't coming to the region.
It's more or less grinding to a halt, as Orioni is inactive, EE (EuropaEmpire, our founder0 saying that he is going to be less active, SG (Senator Gaius) going to Uni and Tamurin, another senator, busy with his last exams and job hunting.
We've set up two new Embassies, one in the Federation of Allied Nations and one in Hyrule. I suspect i'm going to have to be Diplomat to both for a while, until we get some new blood.
In the Role Play section, everything is also slowing down, but Adaptus's internal conflict is attracting attention from several sectors.
© Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium
It's more or less grinding to a halt, as Orioni is inactive, EE (EuropaEmpire, our founder0 saying that he is going to be less active, SG (Senator Gaius) going to Uni and Tamurin, another senator, busy with his last exams and job hunting.
We've set up two new Embassies, one in the Federation of Allied Nations and one in Hyrule. I suspect i'm going to have to be Diplomat to both for a while, until we get some new blood.
In the Role Play section, everything is also slowing down, but Adaptus's internal conflict is attracting attention from several sectors.
© Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium
Issue 16
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Time for the Europa Update, several days over due. I apologise, but until we get this all sorted out properly, its all ad-hoc.
Nations wise, we're down to 242. It's because of a die off of all the nations that were recruited at the begining of summer, sadly. So, we'll start again later on. Our recruiting champ, Pirilao, is doing a good job and keeping the numbers stable.
Internal affairs wise, we're trying to build a constitution again, starting with the senate. It's not going rapidly forward, as alot of senators are prior engaged in the outside world, and Orioni is having a break from work after a hard-working few months.
Role-play wise, myself and Tamurin, both senators, have been appointed RP mods and are acting accordingly. The Chosen Nations is quiter, but Vanarambaion has stirred things up by having an exercise too near my territorial waters. By God, we'll hear more about this. We've also got a new Cartographer, after the long absence of Argenland, the old one. Adaptus is his name.
Two other nations have been made moderators. Deltannia of the UN Discussion sub-forum, and Dragonryders of the Art Sub-Forum, as he is master of all things arty.
Also, a contender for the "Oddest Thread Ever" Award has been posted by Scipii. See it here.
© Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium