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Europa is one of the oldest regions in NationStates, established in January 2004. As a region, Europa offers hospitality to any form of government, whether kingdoms, democracies, empires, or disputed territories. Get to know what goes on in this vibrant region, and feel free to post a comment or two.

Issue 9

The trial has been continuing apace, although it has slowed down, due to the Defence being unable to post with much regularity, as they are in Greece, the land of dodgey internet connections. Europa appeaers to be stable around 250-ish nations, thanks to our busy recruiters. I have no idea who these are, so must ask. In our role-play area, the Tamurin Civil War (our first historical RP) is widing up, after being what must be our longest topic in RP. In the present day, Aliens attack, whilst we attempt to do something about them. In other areas, our Word Association game has surpassed the 250-page mark, as is still popular. New games are also a hit, such as the Geography Game, others are less so, such as 10,000 Bottles of Beer. © Europa, 2005 | Written by Tagmatium

Issue 8

Weeellll... time for an update of sorts.

At the end of May, one of our senior army officers participated in a mock-invaison of a friendly region, namely Nasicournia.
Since then, after a lot of arguments and debating, we are attempting to bring this to trial.

It did sour some relationships in our region, as the debate turned into slanging matches and accusations of character assassination and also the near-resignation of one of our recently-elected senators, after another forum member PMed or telegramed (I can't remeber which) him obsenities.

We are now on top of the situation, and are about to start the trial, it did damage relations between Nasi and Europa, especially as a couple of our members are also active on their boards.

Q102 deserves a special mention, as Nev volunteered use of the "Free Port" of this region, but it was turned down, as it was felt that Europa should manage it on its own, and not get a third party involved.

© Europa, 2006 | Written by Tagmatium